Monday, May 26, 2008


“Change, Hope,” and Garden Variety Bureau-socialist Authority Over Private Lives

A wealthy Harvard educated pseudo-intellectual -- Barack Hussein Obama -- (full name deliberately noted) has announced his belief that – to paraphrase all leftists – “we need to ‘cut back’ ” and restrain our free lifestyles and choices to conform to the conditions that “the world” demands of us. When control freaks like this utter such cliché nonsense I have to wonder when he, she, or “the world” (usually meaning those in the world who don’t like us) is going to start “cutting back” themselves. In this instance I have to also wonder…why would a person running for president of the United States make a point of our “need” to conform to other countries’ goals to reduce our standard of living?

Nonsense statements like Obama’s hearken back to the days of the Jimmy Carter school of governing, where “malaise” and “sacrifice” become public policy. America's constitution gives no authority to the President to constrain the lifestyles of American citizens. It's actuallly supposed to constrain the actions of politicians and the state (though that wise concept is now missed on some). North Korea has certainly excelled in the “sacrifice” and “cutting back” style of government but it hasn’t seemed to enhance their world or any of their neighbors. No I’m not saying that Barack Hussein Obama harbors the same threat as a fascist (okay, they say “socialist”) dictatorship. I am saying that his worldview ultimately stems from the same mentality as all socialist control freaks, from mere bureau-clones to the most ruthless of tyrants, that citizens should be mere servants to an elite’s ideals; the belief that individual citizens must sacrifice and reduce their hopes and dreams merely because some politician says they should (must!).

I don’t want to piss “the world” off, but I could care less what the socialists of the world (and that is what they mean when they say, “the world”) think of America’s continued successes in elevating average citizens’ condition to historically unparalleled levels.

I’m utterly amazed that this elitist clown (again, Barack Hussein Obama) has gained the influence he has, but then again, he has the entire “progressive” establishment behind him (most of the media, entertainment, “education” and the new parasite class that has been nurtured upon government dependence).

In most opinion polls Americans rank consistently among the highest in general life satisfaction and optimism regarding the future. This is hardly an audience that grovels to politicians and the mighty state for “hope” and an amorphous concept of “change.”

We keep hearing and seeing what a heroic trailblazer Obama is (by a media establishment in editing overdrive). In the end, all serious inquiry finds that Obama really doesn’t have anything special behind his rhetoric than the continued desire of “progressives” to reduce individuals to ants in a hill under their command.

I “HOPE” (to use his overused word) Obama doesn’t win. As for “change,” He offers about as much change as the local tax collection office -- garden-variety bureau-socialist authority over private lives.

(Yes, I still think Hillary sucks too).

(…and no, I don’t think John McCain offers anything grand beyond some degree of pragmatism in international affairs and taxation).

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